How to keep current in a changing industry landscape?
In a recent survey of 32,000+ workers, nearly 40% feared their jobs would become obsolete within five years.
Adding to these fears is a report by the Institute of the Future, stating that 85% of jobs available in 2030 don’t exist yet. While 65% of respondents think that technology presents more opportunities than risks, almost the same number of people believe that automation is putting most people’s jobs at risk.
How can we, as workers, keep our skills current and relevant while still managing our lives, families, and day jobs? How much time and energy should we spend preparing ourselves for a landscape that may not exist yet?
The first step is to manage your inputs. Industries are like cruise ships. They are very slow-moving and take a lot of time to shift direction. Keeping current (no pun intended) on sector-specific investments and innovation will help you stay ahead of the curves on the horizon.
How can you do this? There are a few ways.
1. Sign up for Google news alerts with relevant keywords.
These could be as general as “climate innovation” or more narrowed down, like “conversational AI investment.” You can further customize these news searches to get the types of results that you’re interested in. You’ll then get sent curated updates automatically.
2. Join associations in your field.
Most industries have groups and institutes dedicated to fostering collaboration and advancing research. Some of these are even state-specific. Once you’ve found 1-2 active groups, consider investing in becoming an official member. These affiliations usually pay dividends in terms of connections and opportunities.
3. Read up!
Actively seeking out books and articles by those in your field who are at the frontlines of what may be to come. Perhaps more than any other strategy, this will help you to stay current and knowledgeable as the landscape evolves.
4. Put on your learning cap
You are in the captain’s seat of your career. One of the best habits you can build to inform your navigation is to get into the practice of enrolling in 2-3 courses each year to expand your skills. These could be as involved as a full degree program or as targeted as a one-hour, self-paced class. is an excellent resource for finding quality programs.
Considering how much change our society has seen in just the past 15 years, it’s no wonder that many of us feel anxious about our future prospects. But increased innovation has always led to more opportunities and economic growth, as new challenges must be solved. By staying positive and proactive and seeking support and guidance when needed, you’ll be strongly positioned as changes come.

December 27, 2022