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Your Time to Thrive

Take Control of Your Career

Whether you're looking for a promotion or aiming to move into a brand new field, we're your partner to get you there. Our practices have empowered thousands of professionals to land career-altering - and life-changing - opportunities.

Job Seeker Header


How can we help?

Accelerate Your Career

We’ve spent 15+ years honing our resume writing process and perfecting the art of translating a career narrative into a successful job offer. It’s simple, fun, and transformative (we’ve been told!). You’ll leave with completely customized materials that showcase your talents, experience, and accomplishments.

Let's show the world how outstanding you are!


Custom Resumes

Quickly & clearly communicate your marketable talents.
Cover Letter

Targeted Cover Letters

Answer the critical question: Why you above everyone else?
LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn Profiles

Instantly get noticed by recruiters & hiring managers.

Career Coaching-1

Career Coaching

Overcome hurdles, gain clarity, & meet your potential.

"As I was thinking about my career, my resume didn't reflect where I was going. The first draft blew my socks off! It was so exciting to see Andrea's take on my career. I found a position; it's exactly what I had hoped for. "


Sydney L., Director of Learning & Development



Let's get started!

Meet your professional potential




Work with our trained & talented team to elevate your experience

Recent Graduate, Intern, Assistant, Coordinator

Target Salary: Up to $60,000




Work with our Founder & talented team to showcase your accomplishments.

Specialist, Team Lead, Project Manager 

Target Salary: $60,000 - $150,000




Work exclusively with our Founder to craft your professional narrative and stand out.

VP, Director, Engineering, Senior Leadership

Target Salary: $150,000+



Not sure which package to pick?

Fill out this quick intake form and get some personalized package recommendations!

"When I got the first draft of the resume, instantly I felt more confident."


Kristina W., Director of Operations


Our clients have landed great new roles at:


Before & After Resume Examples

See how we've transformed resumes for our clients!


Have questions? We're here to help.

What industries have you worked with?

​Over the past 15 years, we've worked with thousands of clients across every sector that you can imagine, including financial services, healthcare, biotechnology, and consulting. We can help optimize and showcase even the most complex career narratives.

What are your rates?

Our pricing is based on the level and complexity of each person's experience, as well as the types of positions that they're targeting. Services for entry-level clients start at $275, while rates for specialized professionals ​go up to $1750.

The investment in a professional resume writer is typically around 1% of someone's annual salary. These services provide exceptional ROI, as our clients typically average 17% salary increases after working with us. We've aimed to make our pricing as fair and equitable as possible for anyone seeking better opportunities. 

For any help selecting a service tier, feel free  to email us directly or get an instant quote.

How long will it take?

Our typical turnaround for a standard resume is between 15-21 business days, depending on:

  • Whether or not you have an existing resume. If you have an old resume to share, sending it in your initial inquiry will help to speed up the process.
  • Your response time. Our estimated timeline is based on a quick response time. While you are welcome to respond at your own pace, please note that your documents will take extra time to complete.  
  • The amount of revisions you require.  Additional rounds of revisions will result in a longer turnaround time. The clearer you are with your information, the faster we will complete your documents.
What if I need faster service?

We can usually accommodate a faster turnaround time. Email us to find out!

How do cover letters work?

​We’ve found that our clients have the most success when their cover letters are tailored as closely as possible for a particular role, to make sure that we’re highlighting the most impressive and applicable skills and accomplishments. Prior to creating the cover letter, we’ll ask you to send one over or two job postings to help us tailor the letter appropriately. Each cover letter includes up to two rounds of changes. Once it’s been approved, we’ll create a template that you can use to easily tailor it towards similar roles.

How do I pay, and when?

We do request payments for packages prior to beginning work. All payments can be submitted directly through our website by selecting your desired package from the appropriate pricing tier. If you’re not sure which package is right for you, get an instant quote here.

How should I contact you?

For initial inquiries, you are welcome to reach us at 1-800-590-1304 or through our contact page. You can also email us directly at

Do you offer a satisfaction guarantee?

​The vast majority of our clients generate a substantial increase in the amount of attention generated by their new resumes and cover letters. If, after 30 days of consistent applications, your new materials have not received positive attention from potential employers, please contact us at so that we can identify whatever the issue may be.

Notes From Happy Clients

    You've done the work. Let us tell your story.

    At Resume Scripter, we help professionals take control of their career journeys on their terms. In a world where AI has degraded most resumes into emotionless and generic copy, we bring a unique combination of expertise and creativity that no AI tool can replicate. With over a decade of experience landing people fulfilling opportunities, we’re fully equipped to transform the story of your career journey into a compelling and succinct snapshot of your lifelong achievements.

    Let your authenticity shine through your new resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile. Let us help you stand out and move up.

    Professional resumes that showcase your strengths. Highlight your unique capabilities and professional accomplishments.

    Fully-optimized LinkedIn profiles and targeted cover letters. Highlight your capabilities and professional accomplishments!
    Individual career coaching and interview advisement. Ensure that you're reaching your full professional potential!